2000-01-06 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * The whole helv* family is koi8-complete. 2000-01-04 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * The whole cour* family is koi8-complete. 1999-12-31 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * Italics/obliques are done up to 14pt in tim* and cour*, and up to 18pt in helv*. So, now, at the end of 1999, there are only 10 fontfiles left before the total koi8-completeness. 1999-12-28 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * Modified the appearance of Euro sign in a number of misc/ fonts to resemble the canonical shape. 1999-12-20 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * All the lu{IS,BIS}* fonts are koi8-complete. So, the "lu" family is finished. Yes! I did it! 1999-12-16 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * Erased an artefact in the "capital CH" in timB18. 1999-11-29 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * The first *italic* "lu" font is koi8-complete -- luIS14. So, the shape of italic "lu" fonts is defined. 1999-11-06 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * The "CAPITAL_CYRILLIC_I" and its derivatives were corrected in the tim[RBI]14.bdf fonts. 1999-11-03 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * All the lu[RB]S{08,10,12,14,18,19,24}.bdf files are koi8-complete. So, now we have *all* roman and bold (non-italic/non-oblique) fonts. 1999-11-02 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * All the tim[RB]{08,10,12,14,18,24}.bdf files are koi8-complete. * Some proofreading performed. Slightly changed a few glyphs for better legibility and corrected the DWIDTH parameter in some glyphs. The fonts affected are helvR08, helvR10, helvB08, helvB10, helvB12, helvB14, helvO10, helvO12, luRS14, luBS12, luBS18, timR08, timR14, timR18, timR24, timB08, timB10, timB12, timI10. 1999-10-26 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * All lut[RB]S{08,10,12,14,18,19,24}.bdf files are koi8-complete. So, the very first goal of the project is reached. 1999-10-24 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * HTML'ized the README-files. * Added the installation instuctions -- doc/INSTALL.{en,ru}.txt. 1999-10-22 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * Added the doc/ directory to webpage and to distribution tarballs. * Created the logo -- doc/cyr_rfx_logo.gif. 1999-10-12 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * Set up a webpage for CYR_RFX at http://www.inp.nsk.su/~bolkhov/files/fonts/cyr_rfx/ 1999-10-11 Dmitry Bolkhovityanov * Added winlatin-1 and iso8859-15 encodings (both are latin with a Euro sign).